It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honor of kings is to search out a matter.
Proverbs 25:2 (KJV)

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Scrolls of Zebulon, LLC is a Kingdom self-publishing company based in Mobile, Alabama. Scrolls of Zebulon is dedicated to authors whose desire is for spiritual growth through the revelation of the Bible, through the Holy Spirit, and all of Yahweh’s creation. Our desire is to give the author a platform to release what Yahweh has put in their hearts for His people, for this time. We publish all types of literary works...
Children's books
And much more!

New Publications from Scrolls of Zebulon!

By: Sue Towne
Meet seven women in Scripture you think you know—women like you who did extraordinary things for God—and an eighth contemporary woman who is….you! This is a good read about the lives of seven forerunners who broke the cultural expectations of their times, as well as a great resource for group discussion about discerning and valuing one’s ministry in the world. Once you start reading this book, you won’t want to put it down! Sue Towne is an author, teacher, and speaker whose favorite activity is talking about the issues of life with Rabbi Yeshua. This book is born from those years of conversation…. Sue has a grown son and lives with her husband in southeastern Wisconsin, USA. For more information go to www.callingallmiriams.com
For more information or to order this book visit https://www.amazon.com.
By: Ken Burkhalter
This is the story of a personal journey from the darkness of great sin back into the light of God’s mercy and grace. In it, I trace the missteps of a wayward believer, the bitter fruit of his life, and the divinely illuminated pathway back into God’s heart. I know the story well because it is my own. As painful as it is to say, every word is true. As glorious as it is to say, every word is true. Sadly, my story is not unique. The news too often includes scandalous revelations of the misdeeds of those we hold in great esteem, including ministry leaders and government officials, among others. Not all who fail make headlines; some are our friends, people we work with, and those whom we sit next to in church and participate in community life with. They are hiding in plain sight, just as I was. There is nothing extraordinary in this life except the love that saved it, both on earth and in Heaven. It is the story of the everyday man or woman, those who go through life wondering why it is the way it is and wishing for something different. It is a story of hope, faith, and overcoming great trials. It is a story of freedom.
For more information or to order this book visit https://www.amazon.com.

By: Adam Donahue
Dahlia Varda wanted nothing more than to spend the weekend with her father, a world-renowned astrophysicist. But when she discovers that he’s been pronounced dead, Dahlia finds herself being hunted by the powers of her own world, and the evils of another. Tirus wanted nothing more than to bring peace to his planet. But in an attempt to strike a truce with his enemies, he unwittingly brings the chaos he’s trying to end to another planet, Earth. Doctor Howard Varda has given his life to the betterment of the people of Earth. His discoveries have the potential to bring peace, health, and immortality. In another dimension, the same discoveries are taking place. All they need to do is meet. How could something so right go so wrong? Sometimes peace is the wrong option. Sometimes to die is to live, and sometimes the door leading into complete and total darkness is white.
For more information or to order this book visit https://www.amazon.com.

By: Dr. Audrey Drummonds
For over two thousand years Christians have been waiting for the return of Jesus Christ. Theologians have passed on their interpretations of the Scriptures according to their culture and season in history. Yet, we wait, looking into the sky for a Divine Human on a white horse to take believers from the earth to someplace "out-there", leaving behind non-believers to be destroyed.
We are now in a new season where the Holy Spirit is opening the gates of heaven telling us to revisit those places in Scripture that have been used to separate and divide humanity. We find that we are ALL DIVINE sons and daughters of the Most-High God and that the Christ we look for someday is within us now. All the blessings we someday look for beyond death are available in fullness and glory today.
Behold, the Bride-Groom comes as Christ in you is awakened as the Bride of Christ - Light, Life, and Love Resurrected while in your natural body (Philippians 3:10). Jesus Christ is the head-the Groom. We are all the Body-the Bride. Together, there is one SPIRIT, GOD, and Father of all who is over all through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6). It is time to awaken to who you were created to BE in the beginning for such a time as NOW!
For more information or to order this book visit https://www.amazon.com.

By: Aaron Smith
Have you ever wondered who or what Babylon is? And why does Yahweh command us to “Come out of her” in Revelation 18:4? Why is this so important to Yahweh? What does this look like? And as His sons, how do we begin?
In The Big Reveal: Part 2, Aaron Smith delves deeper into the revelation of what it really means to come out of Babylon. He takes us through his accounts of working within the systems of Babylon and the revelations Yahweh is speaking to him on his journey out of the slavery of Babylon and into His glorious liberty. We are now in the ages of awakening to Yahweh’s heart. There is a more excellent way. Let the revealing begin.
For more information or to order this book visit DepthsofZion.com.

A Beginner's Guide to the Ancient Path with Yahweh
By: Kalin Tanner
What did the Apostle Paul really mean when he said, “Oh, that I may know him”? Was it a cry for more knowledge of Christ? Maybe a desire for greater understanding of doctrinal and theological truths he received from Christ himself? What if it was as simple as, “Oh, that I might intimately know Him and our relationship deepen in endless discovery”?
From Adam to the early church fathers, the mystic path has always been in front of us--unseen and turned away from by those who prefer the comfort of a road instead of the thrill of the hidden path.
The Wonder-Filled Mystic Union has come to confirm for us what the deepest part of our hearts had, until now, only wildly hoped for. It provides the seeking heart with the permission to “go for it” and explore the holy wild that is union with Yahweh.
In The Wonder-Filled Mystic Union, Kalin Tanner uses biblical, scientific, and historical evidence to prove that mysticism is God’s intention to raise up sons. Marrying these three seemingly contradictory subjects, Tanner gives a mystical yet practical guide for the beginner to start their own path deep into relationship with the God of the cosmos.
For more information or to order this book visit Amazon.

Diary of a Mystic
By: CC Johnson
As a little girl running through fields with the snow-capped Rocky mountains looming in the distance, CC Johnson heard the call to explore the depths of supernatural dimensions. First a whisper, then a knowing, she felt it even as a child: There must be more. Through a childhood marred by the witness of abuse and the loss of a parent, through adolescent rebellion, failed marriages, and through stops and starts at finding spiritual guidance, CC has always been pulled back to the pursuit of the meaning of it all.
In Awakening: Diary of a Mystic, readers are encouraged to engage their own journeys to find the keys that unlock the hope, love and healing power of God. CC’s path demonstrates how leaning in and trusting the invitation to hear, see and know the sacred mysteries of God can result in a life marked by ever-deepening devotion, wonder, joy—and even miracles.
For more information or to order this book visit MoringaOasis.com.

By: Y.A. Butler
Yvonne Butler, co-author of Friends of Eber, has written this book to introduce children to the Hebrew alphabet. Every page uniquely describes each letter with a fun and colorful graphic. One of the most powerful things in the universe is a child’s ability to believe. With this power comes the responsibility of parents to protect and direct the perception of their child’s heart. Hebrew letters are the threads that create the fabric of life. Every letter speaks innumerable mysteries. These mysteries are discernible to children. There’s no baby Holy Spirit. The same Holy Spirit that anointed prophets of old also lives inside our children. My desire is that this book would be a launching pad from which you can send your child into the secrets and mysteries that are found in the depths of Yahweh’s heart.
For more information or to order this book visit Amazon.com.

In Union with Christ to Sonship
By: Grace Hwang Kaye
This book is written to encourage those who love God, whose desire is to know Him more and to have breakthroughs in their lives. God is so much closer to us than we often realize and loves us more than we can ever imagine. He has given Himself entirely and is ready to meet us all the time to encourage us, cheer us, heal us, deliver us, strengthen us, transform us, and mature us – all out of love. God has called you to enjoy every step of the way of your union with Christ. No matter where you are in your journey, there is always more that He takes you into for you to enjoy. Blessings on your intimate, adventurous journey with the Lord! Dr. Grace, in the following pages, has opened up to us the depths of her heart. She candidly reveals her personal process to know Christ. She reveals the highs and lows of real life from a perspective that so many can relate. Dr. Grace doesn’t leave us there though, she openly shares how the love of Yahweh was calling her not to settle for less. An Intimate Journey is a compelling call to overcome and attain your promise. It is intimate and by all means a journey.
For more information or to order this book visit Amazon.com.

Keys to Spiritual Healing After Abortion
By: Sandra Martinez
Sandra Martinez shares her experience with a painful topic—one all too often hidden from everyday conversation, yet more common than many would like to believe. As a teenager who saw no other way out, she had a secret abortion. Later, in love with the man she would eventually marry, she suffered a miscarriage. Eventually, they gladly welcomed a new baby. But shortly after, still unmarried and now overwhelmed by life with a toddler, work, and school, she had a second abortion. Life was not the fairy tale she expected.
She and her love eventually married and had more children together. On the outside, she had the appearance of an ideal life: a husband, children, a home, a career. But Sandra lived with private, dark consequences. Shame, doubts, and fears plagued her to the point of physical distress. Although she had grown up in church and knew God, it took years of learning to be open to heavenly revelation before she found true healing.
Women looking to heal from emotional, physical and spiritual consequences of abortion will find an understanding, non-judgmental, encouraging yet no-holds-barred friend in Sandra Martinez. Her redemptive story and the keys she shares to discovering healing and wholeness can help lead you to a new life, one Saved by Grace.
For more information or to order this book visit gardenrootswellness.com.

By: Elijah the Son
There is a blueprint hidden throughout Scripture in many stories you’ve read before. This blueprint reveals the heart cry of our Father to carry out His plan to bring a glorious finish to the systems of this world, and a glorious establishment of the Kingdom that will last forever.
This book highlights the reality and accessibility of heaven right now. It is an invitation to the reader to begin stepping into the realms of our Father that house the supernatural power we were invited to walk in when our Messiah prayerfully declared, “on Earth as it is in heaven.”
This book is an invitation to unravel the mystery of God that was hidden for the ages. This book is an invitation into Zion, Here and Now.
For more information or to order this book visit elijahtheson.com.

By: Aaron Smith
Earth and all creation are groaning like never before. Through events such as financial crashes, political discord, and groundbreaking scientific discoveries, many have become increasingly aware that we are encountering a significant change in the ages. Some see the signs in the world, some see the signs in the church, others see deeper, into the fullness of the Kingdom.
Aaron Smith’s personal path following first one dot, then the next, lays a foundation for the reader to take a deeper look and to start or continue their own journey. How do we begin to see our way through a changing world? What is required of us to be part of Yahweh’s revealing in the earth?
It starts with the unveiling of a dot, which can lead us on a supernatural journey to dimensions in Christ. If we truly believe the promise from Psalm 24:7 and 9, “the King of glory shall come,” we must act like it. From the darkness known as choshek, Yahweh invites His sons to rise up out of Babylonian slavery, to find and reveal hidden treasures, and to govern from heavenly throne rooms. Those who choose this path will participate in the finish, transforming the groaning frequencies of earth, creation, and the sons of Yahweh into the glorious sounds of complete redemption.
For more information or to order this book visit DepthsofZion.com.

The Everyday Awesome Adventures of the O'Reillys: Book Two
By: Samantha Mahoney
Follow along as Regan, Liam, Mom and Dad live out their everyday lives. But don’t expect normal. Expect supernormal! Awesome adventures await around every corner when you set out to see in the spirit realm of the Kingdom of God.
Book Two starts as the family pays a surprise visit to Mom’s parents in a faraway country where a fierce storm threatens destruction. They decide to speak directly to the storm. But will it listen? Find this out and more when you join with the O’Reillys as they…
• Talk to birds and bees
• Battle a dragon and a grizzly bear
• See a friend become a Kingdom brother
• Follow a map into Heaven
• Move into a house with dark secrets
• Learn to govern from their spiritual mountain
How can any of this be? The O’Reillys are on a quest to learn the secrets of the Kingdom. What secrets await you? Open the book and begin to discover how to find your way to living in Yahweh’s Dimensions.
For more information or to order this book visit https://www.moed-ministries.com.

The Everyday Awesome Adventures of the O'Reillys: Book One
By: Samantha Mahoney
Follow along as Regan, Liam, Mom, and Dad live out their everyday lives. But don’t expect normal. Expect supernormal! Awesome adventures await around every corner when you set out to see the spirit realm of the Kingdom of God.
Book One starts as the boys fondly remember and miss dear grandparents who’ve passed on. Then, Dad says they’re still alive. Could that really be true?
Find out when you join with the O’Reilly family as they…
• Encounter saints and miracles
• Engage with heavenly scrolls
• Overcome nightmares
• Find mysteries in marbles
• Befriend a bully
How can any of this be? The O’Reillys are on a quest to learn the secrets. What secrets await you? Open the book and begin to discover how to find your way to living in Yahweh’s Kingdom.
For more information or to order this book visit https://www.moed-ministries.com.

A Reference Guide to the Living Letters of the Hebrew Alphabet
By: Aaron Smith
Friends of Eber is a reference guide designed to introduce readers to the living letters of the Hebrew alphabet. It is a result of forty-six days in the fall of 2017 when Apostle Aaron Smith called the people of The Rock of Mobile to study, meditate on, and engage with the Hebrew letters. Throughout that focused time, five treasured teachers shared their individual knowledge, unique interpretations, and revelations concerning the letters. Their teaching is collected here to provide a path for the Kingdom body to begin to see, hear, and know our friends, the living letters. For more information or to order this book visit DepthsofZion.com.

New Creation Man
By: Teresa Bowen
This hardcover 9X12 coffee table book explores the story of the fall and redemption of man as a collective and of each one of us individually. It is presented as an illustrated drama in four acts with three scenes each. Many of the illustrations have been left unfinished to allow each reader to personalize the story. The Fourth Wheel Story is universal to all, yet unique to the individual, so the perfect “finish” empowers readers to complete the story with their own sparks of creativity and genius. With that in mind, we have provided the tools with which you may begin your finish. For more information or to order this book visit DepthsofZion.com.

Into Your Inheritance
By: Leah Augustine Dent
Egypt. A land of literal enslavement for the Israelites, and one symbolic for today’s believers: it’s a place we must leave if we are to take possession of our true inheritance. Journey through biblical history while you follow the Israelites through forty years of wilderness wanderings as they leave behind their physical and mental slavery to Egypt and enter the Promised Land. Through scriptural examples, fictional narratives, and personal stories, Leah Dent guides Christian believers on their own parallel exodus out of enslavement to the ways of the world. As you learn to break ties with the old, you will gain your freedom as a rightful heir of God’s Kingdom. For more information or to order this book visit www.LeahAugustineDent.com.

Experience the Lord's Presence
By: Stacey Hardy
If you find yourself thinking that there must be more to your life of faith, Accessing Heaven will help you discover the Father’s deep love for you. He loves you so much that He calls you to a higher place with Him, and He desires to communicate with you in every area of your life. As Stacey shares her personal stories of experiencing how the Lord speaks and acts today, you’ll feel like you’re sitting down for coffee with a trusted friend, digging deep into prayer, and discovering how to make your relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit tangible. She shows that as you diligently seek Him, He is faithful to give you greater access to Himself and the riches of His Kingdom in your life. For more information or to order this book go to www.staceyhardy.com.

Experiencing Listening Prayer
By: Timothy Jones
Extreme sheep do not think that they are better than other sheep. Their fervent desire is to walk closely with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, by listening to His voice in prayer. Extreme sheep know that to faithfully live out God’s will for their lives, they must be Spirit-led followers of Jesus. So, why not learn to listen to His voice and be an extreme sheep who says yes! to whatever adventures Jesus wants to take you on? Come on, you know you want to do this! For more information or to order this book go to www.extremesheep.org.

The Place of Our Original Intent
By: Aaron Smith
Part memoir, part revelation, part mystery, Aaron Smith’s account of accepting Yahweh’s invitation to “Come Up Here” uncovers the original dimensions of existence for which we were created. His experiences reveal open portals to the ages of peace and access to the full benefits of the Kingdom. If you desire to enter, you must find the keys to engagement and unlock the protocols of heaven on earth. So, are you ready to encounter thunder, see light alive, and honor numbers, in order to embrace your freedom? For more information or to order this book go to DepthsofZion.com.

The New Old Order
By: Teresa Bowen
A journey of discovery awaits those willing to follow Yahweh as He reveals His ancient paths. The religious Levitical order of priesthood that once was is no longer sufficient and we as a people are being called to a higher order. The discovery of the Zadok Priesthood hidden within God’s Word is unveiling a righteous path to a new eon of peace. This new, old order is leading us to genuine communion with the Father as His king-priests in the earth. For more information or to order this book go to DepthsofZion.com.